Which file formats are supported by FineCount?

Here you will find a list of the supported file types.
  • Microsoft Word (doc, dot, docx, dotx, rtf, wri, wps)
  • Microsoft Excel (xls, xlt, xlsx, xltx)
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt, pot, pps, pptx, potx, ppsx)
  • Microsoft Publisher (pub)
  • Adobe PDF (pdf)
  • OpenOffice & StarOffice documents (sxw, odt, ott, stw, sdw, vor)
  • Microsoft XML documents (xml)
  • HTML documents (html, htm, mht, mhtml, shtml, shtm)
  • Text documents in ANSI, UTF-8, UCS-2 formats (txt, ini, log)
  • Programmatic code and source code (pas, dpr, dpk, bpg, bdsproj, bdsgroup, dfm, xfm, c, cpp, php, java, js)

Please be aware that you cannot count the words in pictures. An Adobe Acrobat file is generated from a picture so FineCount will not be able to count the words in these files unless you run OCR software first.