How to calculate words in PDF with FineCount?

FineCount is a software tool that can help you calculate the number of words in a PDF document quickly and accurately. Here's how you can use FineCount to calculate the number of words in a PDF document:

  • Install and launch FineCount on your computer.
  • In FineCount, click on the "Add Files" button and select the PDF document that you want to calculate the word count for. You can also drag and drop the file directly into the FineCount window.
  • FineCount will automatically recognize the file format and display the word count in the "Words" column. You can also view the character count, line count, and page count by selecting the corresponding tabs.
  • FineCount also allows you to customize the word counting settings by selecting the "Settings" option. Here, you can choose to exclude certain words or characters from the word count, such as numbers or special characters.

In summary, using FineCount to calculate the number of words in a PDF document is a simple and efficient process. By accurately calculating the word count, you can ensure that your translation or writing project is properly estimated for time, cost, and resources.